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Hi! I’m Rebecca….

I’ve been using my intuition to guide my creative and professional life for most of my life. Most of the time it wasn’t a conscious practice, just a knowing or a gut feeling. Then somewhere in the years when my children were small I remembered what I knew effortlessly as a child—that I was in conversation with the mystical world most of the time, and that a clear intuitive voice was always talking to me. I wanted to delve even more into that secret listening—to understand it and use it more consciously. So I spent the next ten years immersed in yoga and mystical studies.

Now, I use the knowledge and the practices I developed during that time—along with practical techniques I acquired as a teacher, practiced meditator, and professionally trained coach—to help my clients find clarity and flow in their lives.

I work with brilliant creatives, artists, entrepreneurs, spiritually inclined people (and some not-so-spiritually inclined people)—who want to create a life doing work they love, respecting our beautiful planet, and being true to their unique, gorgeous selves. Sound like you? Awesome!

Here are some things I can help with:

*releasing blocks

*getting clear on relationships

*understanding and releasing a pattern that no longer serves you

*finding or creating work you love

*connecting to the soul of a project and moving forward efficiently

 *finding out what your heart truly wants, and going for it.

*reframing a challenging or frustration situation, and getting clear on your next best steps.

*learning to trust and listen to yourself—I cannot emphasize enough how important, nourishing, and wonderful a practice of self-trust is.

I offer intuitive readings, Tarot readings, intuitive coaching (a series of three sessions in a six week period) and customized creative practice sessions for individuals and groups.

The Process

In my belief system, we have everything we need to know inside us, yet the information is sometimes hard for us to access due to misbeliefs, blocks, old thought patterns, and blindspots. I view each session as a chance for you to connect to your own soul’s wisdom with me as a guide, and to listen to the answers it might have for you. During the session I am tuning intuitively, asking questions, and reporting what I hear and see. Then we work together to create a plan for your highest possible outcome, so you can move forward with purpose and enthusiasm.

My style is informal and conversational. I have a strong affinity to water and often work with whale energy.


Each session is a chance for you to connect with your own soul’s wisdom.

In your session we will work on: 

  • What soul lesson you may be working on right now.

  • What misbeliefs may be getting in your way.

  • What might be your best, most liberating and exciting path forward. 

  • Answers to your questions—please spend a little time before your session in quiet contemplation, and write down some things for us to explore. Ask what you are really longing to know—no question is too simple or strange. I will meet you where you are with an open mind and heart. 

All registrations are final. Please read the Client Agreement before you book. 


An Intuitive Reading

A Reading is one session. This allows us to explore your specific questions, tune into what might be holding you back, and get some guidance about going forward.  This is a great option if you’re feeling stuck, or blocked or are looking for some clarity on a specific situation.

60 minutes @ $145

40 minutes: $95

Tarot Reading

A Tarot Reading uses the Tarot as a bridge to help you speak to your soul. Tarot can be good for yes or no questions like: This job or that job? Should I stay in this relationship? Tarot can also give you specific tools or questions to ask yourself to move forward in a more soul aligned way. (An intuitive reading will also give you those things, it’s just a more direct communication.)

60 minutes @ $145

40 minutes @ $95

Creative Practice Sessions for Small Groups

90 minutes @ $375

If you have a writers group, a creative group, or a small group of friends who simply want to get together and devote time to exploring some new projects, I would be happy to work with you. A creative practice session can be a great way to infuse any work with soul and inspiration, and it is especially fun to do in community.

Each session lasts 90 minutes. We do a check in where I tune in intuitively to the group and your projects. Then I lead you in a short meditation tailored to your group and designed to open up creative flow. (This will also help you practice using your own intuition with your project.) We then work quietly for 30 minutes, and then come back together for an optional follow-up conversation.

These practices are especially effective when done in a series—there’s an alchemy that happens with your project when you show up for it consistently and at a specific time. You’ll be amazed at what your project will reveal to you!

Please note: Due to the amount of information I receive in group sessions, group sizes are limited to six people per session.


Intuitive Coaching

 Intuitive Coaching consists of three sessions over a six week period. This work allows us to dive deeper and build more of an overall strategic plan. At least one session with me is required before you sign up for coaching.

3 x 60 minutes @ $410

Creative Practice Sessions

A creative practice session is an intuitive session designed to help you get to the soul of a creative project or business plan. It is an excellent tool for entrepreneurs, artists, writers, musicians, poets, or anyone wanting to bring a little creativity into their life. Each session starts with a quick intuitive read on the project you’re working on (or that you’d like to work on) and where you’d like help.

I then lead you into a guided meditation designed to open up creative flow, specifically tailored to you and your project. We work in tandem, quietly for 20-30 minutes, after which we reconnect to discuss what came up and what your next steps are.

Creative practice sessions are transformative and inspiring—excellent for moving through blocks, or for jump-starting a project you’ve been wanting to do. You’ll be amazed at what you can get done in a very short time!

75 minutes @ $175